E-Factor invests in solar power to help protect its tenants.

E-Factor, the business support organisation, has invested £150,000 into the installation of solar panels on to the roofs of the Enterprise Village’s units, located on Prince Albert Gardens. Work has now been completed, meaning the businesses located on the site can benefit from a reduction in the cost of some of their usage.

Natalie Cresswell, Property & Operations Manager at E-Factor, said:

We’re always looking at ways to enhance our tenancies and with forecasted increases in electricity prices, we knew we wanted to make further investments into sustainable, renewable energies. We’re committed to making the whole site more environmentally friendly, and this new installation will enable us to help protect our tenants against some of those increases in energy prices, as well as reducing their carbon footprint.

In total, 244 panels have been installed across the whole site generating approximately 115,000KWh per annum. The energy generated will provide some of the electricity for each individual unit and will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 60 tonnes per annum. Surplus power will be fed back into the National Grid.

Laser Red, an award-winning digital agency, have been tenants of The Enterprise Village since 2015. Managing Director, Liam O’Leary said: “We have an ever-expanding team who are all using different forms of technology from our office, whether they’re online or using video and photography equipment in our new media studio, so it’s great to know that E-Factor are taking action now to help reduce electricity costs for the future, and doing their part for the environment too“.

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